What We Share

200hr, 300hr & 500hr Tantra Yoga Trainings

Yoga Alliance Certified
Trainings Include
  • Tantra Yoga Asana and Prana Culturing
    • Daily or twice daily asana practice
    • Daily pranayama and bandhas practice
    • Dynamic, playful exercises on the beach
    • Philosophical and interactive anatomical explanation of the asanas
    • 2 weeks of teaching practice sessions with in-depth peer and facilitator feedback. We’re all in this together!
  • Tantra Philosophy and Practices
    • Satsangs, or “meetings of truth”, on traditional non-dual Kaula Tantra principles
    • Weekly Kali puja, a consecration of the embodied Divine Feminine
  • Ayurveda
    • In depth workshop  on foundational principles of ayurveda with Dr. Arun Naik
    • Personal ayurvedic consultation with Dr. Arun to determine your constitution and personalized lifestyle suggestions to optimize your health
  • Kirtan
    • Live devotional music. A celebratory environment where singing and dancing are encouraged
  • One-to-one conversations to
    • Space to discuss personal interests or questions with Whitney
  • Non-violent Communication 
    • Workshops and practice sessions, amazing tools for honoring yourself and others 
  • IMAGO dialogue
    • Workshops and practice sessions, skills applicable to all our intimate relationships
  • 3 months online Tantra Yoga
    • Free access for 3 months to streamable Tantra Yoga classes so you can integrate your practice after your training

Super Early Bird 20% discount*

with 180 day advanced booking

Early Bird
10% discount*

with 90 day advanced booking
Course Dates
2025 - 2026
500hr Immersion/Training

October 15th – January 9th 

November 23rd – February 17th 

January 15th – April 10th 

300hr Immersion/Training

November 23rd – January 9th

January 15th – March 3rd

200hr Immersion/Training

October 15th – November 17th

November 23rd – December 26th

January 15th – February 17th

March 8th – April 10th

Courses Includes:

  •  Prana Culturing through Tantra Yoga Asana
    • Daily or twice daily asana practice
    • Pranayama and bandhas demonstration, explanation and practice
    • Dynamic, playful exercises on the beach
    • Philosophical and interactive anatomical explanation of the asanas
    • 2.5 weeks of teaching practice sessions with in-depth peer and facilitator feedback. We’re all in this together!
  • Tantra Philosophy and Practices
    • Satsangs, or “meetings of truth”, on traditional non-dual Kaula Tantra principles
    • Weekly Kali puja, a consecration of the embodied Divine Feminine
  • Ayurveda
    • In depth workshop  on foundational principles of ayurveda
    • Personal ayurvedic consultation to determine your constitution and personalized lifestyle suggestions to optimize your health
  • One-to-one conversations
    • Space to discuss personal interests or questions with Whitney
  • Non-Violent Communication
    • Workshops and practice sessions, amazing tools for honoring yourself and others 
  • Online Tantra Yoga
    • Free access to streamable Tantra Yoga classes from the time you book your immersion until 3 months after you leave, so you can prepare and then integrate the health balancing āsana series
General Daily Schedule

Subject to Change


**Goddess ritual

Required Resources

Please read, listen to or watch these resources before you arrive

80hr (2 Week) Tantra Yoga Immersion

Immersion Includes
  • Tantra Yoga
    • Daily or twice daily asana practice
    • Daily pranayama and bandhas practice
    • Exercises on the beach
  • Tantra Philosophy and Practice
    • Satsangs, or “meetings of truth”, on traditional non-dual Kaula Tantra principles
    • Kali puja, a consecration of the embodied Divine Feminine
  • Ayurveda
    • Explore foundational principles of ayurveda with Dr. Arun Naik
    • Personal ayurvedic consultation with Dr. Arun to determine your constitution and give personalized lifestyle suggestions to optimize your health
    • Ayurvedic meals with options for all constitutions
  • Non-violent Communication
    • workshops and practice sessions; amazing tools for honoring yourself and others while communicating
  • Fulfills Yoga Alliance continued education requirements for 3 years
Immersion Dates
2025 - 2026

March 15th – March 25th (2025)

October 15th – October 28th

November 23th – December 5th

January 15th – January 27th

March 8th – March 20th (2026)

Immersion Fees:

Immersion Includes:

  •  Prana Culturing through Tantra Yoga Asana
    • Daily or twice daily asana practice
    • Pranayama and bandhas demonstration, explanation and practice
  • Tantra Philosophy and Practices
    • Satsangs, or “meetings of truth”, on traditional non-dual Kaula Tantra principles
    • Kali puja, a consecration of the embodied Divine Feminine
  • Ayurveda
    • In depth lectures on foundational principles of ayurveda
    • Personal ayurvedic consultation to determine your constitution and personalized lifestyle suggestions to optimize your health
  • Non-violent Communication 
    • Workshops and practice sessions, amazing tools for honoring yourself and others 
  • Online Tantra Yoga
    • Free access to streamable Tantra Yoga classes from the time you book your immersion until 1 month after you leave, so you can prepare and then integrate the health balancing āsana series
  • Filfills Yoga Alliance Ongoing Education requirements for 3 years
General Daily Schedule

Subject to Change


**Goddess ritual

Kaula Tantra Community

Our 6 Month Stay Program:

  • The 6 month immersion are open to those who have previously attended a 200hr training at Shri Kali Ashram, Sva-Tantra Ashram, Durga’s Tiger School, Shakta Yoga (Finland)
  • For those new to the SKaSTA Kaula Tantra system and want to join for 6 months. You can complete the 500hr training and continue with invitation of SKaSTA leadership team
  • Assist with Ashram administration after the completion of your 500hr immersion
  • See the pricing here
6 Month Immersion Dates, 2024 - 2025

October 15th – April 15th

Living Kaula Tantra Everyday

We invite you to...

join the community at Sva-Tantra / Shri Kali to experience the integration of non-dual tantra. The moment you arrive you are part of the community and are invited to explore your true nature as the Divine celebrating. 


If you would like to join the community as a resident we find it is important to complete the 200, 300 or 500hr teacher training to give you a comprehensive introduction to the foundational practices, tools and understanding of life in the community. After that, if our perspectives on life are congruent, we would love to have you celebrate with us. 


Meals and ashram programs will be open to long term community members. 


As a long term member you will have the opportunity for further readings and practices to build on skills and knowledge established during 200hr immersion. You will have the opportunity to explore tantric texts with other practitioners, deepen your study of Ayurveda, learn the mantras, arti, nyasa and other practices.  


Community, or Kula, is the foundation of the Kaula tradition.  Kaula literally means the community  of the various expressions of Devi, the Goddess. At Sva-Tantra we understand ourselves and every aspect of the cosmos to be  expressions of Devi. You will dis-cover that you are Dev celebrating your infinite potential, or SVA-TANTRA.

We invite you to join the community at Sva-Tantra to experience the integration of non-dual tantra. The moment you arrive you are part of the community and are invited to explore your true nature as the divine celebrating. 

If you would like to join the community as a resident we find it  important to complete the 200hr training at one of the yoga schools around the world sharing the Shri Kali Ashram yoga system (Sva-Tantra Ashram, Durga’s Tiger School, or Shakta Yoga in Finland). From these trainings you will have an idea of what you will be diving deeper into. 

If you are new to the SKaSTA system you can complete the 500hr teacher training to give you a comprehensive introduction to the foundational practices, tools and understanding of this system. After completing the 500hr, the SKaSTA leadership team will consider you for continuing with the 6 month program. Full payment for the 6 month program is required and partial refund will be giving to those not selected for the 6 month program.

6 month community members will have the opportunity for further readings and practices to build on skills and knowledge established during your teacher training. You will have the opportunity to explore tantric texts with other practitioners, deepen your study of Ayurveda, explore Taoist energetic practices, etc. 

Community, or kula, is the foundation of the kaula tradition. The Kula is the community of all of the various expressions of devi, the goddess. At Sva-Tantra we understand ourselves and every aspect of the cosmos to be Devi expressing. We dis-cover that we are the kula of goddesses celebrating our infinite potential, SVATANTRA.


Kovalam is famous for Ayurveda. We will have weekly lectures on Ayurveda by local doctors who will also give personal constitution consultations and can recommend any additional course of action for specific needs including:

  • Pancakarma treatments for hundreds of chronic and acute ailments
  • Lifestyle consultation including suggested diet, daily habits, activity/exercise, etc. 
  • Herbal supplement therapy

Kovalam is famous for Ayurveda. We will have weekly lectures on Ayurveda by local doctors who will also give personal constitution consultations and can recommend any additional course of action for specific needs including:

  • Pancakarma treatments for hundreds of chronic and acute ailments
  • Lifestyle consultation including suggested diet, daily habits, activity/exercise, etc. 
  • Herbal supplement therapy

5 Elements

Shiatsu is a traditional Japanese therapy that involves applying pressure to specific points along the body’s vital energy currents (chi/prana meridians). Through the meridian network, we can access the subtle and fundamental chi system to facilitate revitalization. Using techniques born from Shiatsu and based on the principle of encouraging internal balance, we will allow for a sense of vitality and wellbeing in the whole body by dispersing blockages from head to toe and bringing warmth and awareness to areas in need. Receiving and giving Shiatsu develops a deeper awareness of the subtle flow of chi through the body; useful in cultivating a more intimate relationship with oneself.

As we engage the body as the condensed form of chi, we recognize that it is the microcosm expression of the macrocosm. If we take time to look, a reflection of nature or the world around us can be seen in the body. The 5 elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal can thus be used as a lens to look into the possibilities that exist energetically within us. This model acknowledges the changing nature of existence and is sometimes referred to as The 5 Phase Cycle; an example of this can be seen in the Water element where we may feel robust as we have the ability to flow with ease and grace in one moment, and in the next we can be frozen with fear, feeling stuck and without impetus. We will explore the 5 Elements as they arise in nature and our bodies (various organs, systems, functions and emotional states correspond to the elements) so we can start to use them as indicators to what may be arising in our rich inner landscape and we can better support ourselves as we flow through the celebration of life. 

We live in an era of resurgent interest and respect for ancient practices and their profound effectiveness in cultivating wellness in the human being. Taoist practices are accessible to every body. As we connect to the creative powerhouse of the endocrine system and its related generative organs, we tap into the vast energy that is used to create a human being and we learn to use that energy for our own vitality. The intricate meridian network we learn in Shiatsu will be the super highway used to move this vital energy to all parts of the body that require an infusion of chi/prana/energy.

Learning Basic Shiatsu Principles

Shiatsu is a traditional Japanese therapy that involves applying pressure to specific points along the body’s vital energy currents (chi/prana meridians). Through the meridian network, we can access the subtle and fundamental chi system to facilitate revitalization. Using techniques born from Shiatsu and based on the principle of encouraging internal balance, we will allow for a sense of vitality and wellbeing in the whole body by dispersing blockages from head to toe and bringing warmth and awareness to areas in need. Receiving and giving Shiatsu develops a deeper awareness of the subtle flow of chi through the body; useful in cultivating a more intimate relationship with oneself.

The 5 element Model

As we engage the body as the condensed form of chi, we recognize that it is the microcosm expression of the macrocosm. If we take time to look, a reflection of nature or the world around us can be seen in the body. The 5 elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal can thus be used as a lens to look into the possibilities that exist energetically within us. This model acknowledges the changing nature of existence and is sometimes referred to as The 5 Phase Cycle; an example of this can be seen in the Water element where we may feel robust as we have the ability to flow with ease and grace in one moment, and in the next we can be frozen with fear, feeling stuck and without impetus. We will explore the 5 Elements as they arise in nature and our bodies (various organs, systems, functions and emotional states correspond to the elements) so we can start to use them as indicators to what may be arising in our rich inner landscape and we can better support ourselves as we flow through the celebration of life. 

Taoist practice

We live in an era of resurgent interest and respect for ancient practices and their profound effectiveness in cultivating wellness in the human being. Taoist practices are accessible to every body. As we connect to the creative powerhouse of the endocrine system and its related generative organs, we tap into the vast energy that is used to create a human being and we learn to use that energy for our own vitality. The intricate meridian network we learn in Shiatsu will be the super highway used to move this vital energy to all parts of the body that require an infusion of chi/prana/energy.